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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Takes full benefit of nevest technology

Webcam software identifies motion, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

webcamera software, I can run a broadcasting tv station
of my home viewable online. This opens up a number
of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this broadcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my apartment
at any moment from a remote viewing computer.

As long as I have the camera
running and a remote station with Internet access, I can view the room.
With the software and the webcam, I can change the options to capture video,
sense movement (if I don't want to keep the webcam running at all times),
or use a mixture of a online feed and recorded video to realize a security
system that takes full benefit of nevest technology.

With a capture card,
I can easily transmit appropriate video and screenshots to use on
any station.

With sensitive files on my computer
and useful things in my site,
it only makes sense to have a security setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

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