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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Data Stat'S Is Just For You

Data Stat'S is Consultan that help you to make your statistic and IT work easy.
Data Stat'S
is help work to proccesing statistic data from clien. To procces the data, we using SPSS software program, from that data procces we can have a result so we can know if they are valid or not valid so we can procces to other step.The clien use this analyst data result to make a progress report for their reasert, tesis and desertation.So with this Consultan we want to help the people to analyst and procces their statistic and IT data.With our experient to helping not only one or two clien and with our moto " Sampaikan Ilmu Walau Hanya Satu Ayat " insyaAllah we can help you.

1 comment:

Data Stat'S said...

Saya seorang Mahasiswi Jurusan FIKOM di salah satu Univ Di Bandung.
Data Stat's sangat membantu saya, apa lagi dengan ramah tamah merak yang "homely" 'teteh dini banget tu......'

Maks ya Teh atas bantuanya....